School Transport
New starters at Aspire who live over 3 miles from their registered school will be eligible for free home to school transport. Transport can only be arranged to and from the student’s primary address. The student must reside in Buckinghamshire in order to qualify for this service.
Once a school place and start date has been agreed, a transport request will be sent to The Admissions Team at Buckinghamshire County Council.
The request will include the below information
- Student’s forename and surname
- Date of birth
- Timetable- days and times
- Start date
- Parent/carer’s contact number and email address
- Selected Aspire site
- Reason for placement
- Any additional information (if applicable)
Once the admissions team have approved the transport contract, this will be put in place by transport services.
There are two types of transport request
Standard transport request, meaning no additional requirements are needed. I.e., solo transport, SEN. Transport will be put in place within 15 working days from approval. Please note Aspire students may share the same taxi. EHCP holders Service Level Agreement is 20 days.
Once the request has been sent to the admissions team, at Buckinghamshire County Council, parent or carers will receive a SEN assessment email link for completion. You will receive the link from the following email address -
Parents or carers are required to complete the form, in as much detail as possible to acomodate the students needs. This will identify any special requirements to support the needs of the student whilst travelling to and from Aspire. Please note, the request cannot be processed if this assessment has not been completed.
The travel confirmation letter and travel assessment (where appropriate) will be sent via email to Aspire, to the parent or carers chosen email address and the taxi operator. The letter will include transport contact details, start date and additional transport information. The taxi operator will contact the parent or carer directly to discuss detailed arrangements.
Please note any changes to the existing transport arrangements i.e. address change, site transfer will result in a re-assessment, this will be subject to the above Service level agreement.
In some cases, a situation may arise which is classed as ‘exceptional’. We will complete an exceptional circumstances report and send to Transport Services. An internal panel will be held and they will provide us with an outcome via email.
Please contact directly if you have any queries, concerns etc and we will deal with your request as quickly as possible.
For general enquires, please see Free school transport | Buckinghamshire Council