Orchard House
Orchard House is a county-wide provision supporting young people in years 7-11 whose mental health needs are currently preventing them from accessing their existing school. Placements at Orchard House are short term and enable students to access core subjects only within a small, inclusive setting. Students are referred to Orchard House with the support of their clinicians at CAMHS (the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service).
Young people attend Orchard House in Key Stage cohorts, either mornings or afternoons. They receive an offer of the core curriculum, art and PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education), as well as a fortnightly reflective and wellbeing session focusing on building resilience to return to full time education. In Key Stage 4 (Year 10 and 11), the students also have access to careers and transition support.
Students are taught in small groups which means that staff can focus on relationships with the students and are able to highly personalise the teaching and be responsive to student need. Formative assessment is ongoing and continuous, taking into account their physical, medical and emotional condition, and is used to inform planning and to support student progress.
Students and families are supported by our Family Liaison Officer, who works closely with students where a Child In Need or Child Protection plan is in place. All students with an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP) have a learning plan to support their education and reviews are regularly held with parents/carers and pupils, home schools and multi-professional colleagues. If appropriate students are supported through the EHCP assessment process.
Students are supported with reintegration back into school or to another suitable destination, as well as offering advice to schools on how particular medical and mental health conditions may impact on a pupils’ behaviour and attainment
Find Orchard House (ID 1261)