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Aspire Alternative Provision

Careers Advice & Guidance 

It is never too early to start thinking about the future! To help students and parents/carers, we have listed a few websites that might help when considering what options are available post 16.  You can also speak to the careers advisor for further advice. We will also be listing opportunities and information about upcoming events, so check back here regularly.

Meet the Careers Team:

Careers (ID 1262)

  • Tammy Nichols
    Head of Careers
  • Tracey McNicholas
    Destinations & Careers Advisor

Contacting the Careers Team

If you are a student or parent/guardian and would like to speak to someone regarding post 16 options, then please contact Tracey McNicholas, Destinations and Careers Advisor, via tmcnicholas@aspireap.org.uk 

If you are a college or further education provider, an employer or a company wanting to give back their services to our young people; or, if you have more general enquiries, then please contact our Head of Careers, Tammy Nichols, via tnichols@aspireap.org.uk 

Careers Newsletter

Each half term, we produce our careers newsletter. Check back regularly for important updates and information around careers.

Useful links

Bucks Skills Hub - a local careers advice page.

Young Enterprise - Next steps after GCSE: post 16+

The National Careers Service - a government portal for advice on all aspects of your future careers.

Get the Jump; Skills for Life - from the National Careers Service; explore your education and training choices. 

Talking Futures - pathways at 16

UCAS: Post 16 qualifications

The Parents Guide - what are your children's choices after GCSEs?

Local Businesses and Employers

If you are a local business or employer and would like to help support our students - possibly through work experience, or running workshops or giving talks - then we would love to hear from you!

Careers policies and documents

Careers Guidance Policy

Provider Access Policy