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Aspire Alternative Provision

Pupil Premium

The aim of the government’s pupil premium funding is to raise achievement amongst disadvantaged children. The pupil premium provides additional funding for disadvantaged pupils to ensure they benefit from the same educational opportunities as pupils from wealthier families. The pupil premium has a number of wider aims:

  • To increase social mobility
  • To enable more students from disadvantaged backgrounds to get to the top universities
  • To reduce the attainment gap between the highest and lowest achieving pupils nationally

Pupil Premium is allocated to schools per Free School Meal student in the last 6 years (‘Ever 6’), and Looked After Children. It is for schools to decide how to spend it, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility. 

As an alternative provision setting, our student cohort changes regularly and therefore so does the proportion of students eligible for pupil premium funding. In 2020-21, 47% of the students that we worked with at some point attracted pupil premium funding at some point during the year.  We use the pupil premium funding to ensure that all students have access to a wide range of opportunities, regardless of their background or family situation. Please read our Pupil Premium Strategy for more information. 

Pupil Premium Leads for each school

Our Heads of School are our pupil premium leads for each school:

Blueprint Jessica Robinson jrobinson@aspireap.org.uk 
CSEC Hannah Eley heley@aspireap.org.uk 
The Wycombe Grange Corie Stephenson cstephenson@aspireap.org.uk 
Shortenills Liz Wolfenden lwolfenden@aspireap.org.uk 
Shortenills Abbey Jo Hodge Jhodge@aspireap.org.uk 
Orchard House

Rebecca Brooks

Anna Newbold

