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Aspire Alternative Provision

Stoke Mandeville Hospital Teaching Service (SMHTS)

Our Hospital Teaching Service ensures that children who are inpatients at Stoke Mandeville are able to continue their education.

Aspire provides a Hospital Teaching Service at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, which includes the National Spinal Injuries Centre. This service operates during Buckinghamshire school term time. Children are automatically referred to Stoke Mandeville Hospital Teaching Service when they are inpatients at Stoke Mandeville Hospital.

Stoke Mandeville Hospital Teaching Service provides all students with the opportunity to learn, be successful and feel safe. Each student’s individual needs are considered so the whole student can develop spiritually, socially and intellectually. Our Hospital Teaching Service is staffed by a highly committed and experienced team.

All students, from Reception to Year 11, who are admitted to Stoke Mandeville Hospital are entitled to access education (for students with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) this is extended to be between the ages of 3 and 19 years). Provision for students with special educational needs is given equal consideration. Teachers have experience of working with a wide range of educational abilities using a variety of specialist sensory and ICT resources and equipment. SMHTS works closely with schools and the Multi-Disciplinary Team at the hospital to support reintegration back to the child’s own school and provides schools with a report containing specific recommendations for supporting children and young people at the National Spinal Injuries Centre with their SEN and health needs that schools can use towards their EHCP Needs Assessment Request.

We aim to keep education “alive” for each child whilst they are in hospital.

Information guides

Stoke Mandeville Hospital Teaching Service

Supporting Young People returning to school with a Spinal Cord Injury

Supporting PE in schools for Young People following a Spinal Cord Injury

Supporting Young People returning to school after time spent in Hospital

Supporting Young People returning to school or nursery after a Burn Injury

What is Autonomic Dysreflexia?